- Hvad er de sundhedsmæssige fordele ved hørfrø?
- 1. Kan hjælpe med kræftforebyggelse
- 2. Kan hjælpe Diabetesbehandling
- 3. Kan hjælpe vægttab
- 4. Kan forbedre fordøjelsessundheden
- 5. Kan beskytte hjertet
- 6. Kan bekæmpe betændelse
- 7. Kan behandle menstruationssymptomer
- 8. Hørfrø er glutenfri
- 9. Kan være gavnligt under graviditet og amning
- 10. Kan gøre din hud glødende
- 11. May Strengthen Hair
- What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Flaxseeds?
- Tips For Adding Flax Seeds To Your Diet
- What Are The Side Effects Of Flaxseeds?
- Interactions
- Conclusion
- Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
- 26 sources
Hør ( Linum usitatissimum), en afgrøde, blev først dyrket i Egypten. I århundreder har det spillet en nøglerolle i ayurvedisk medicin i Asien. Hørfrø er rige på omega-3 fedtsyrer, fibre og proteiner.
Hørfrø er rige på lignaner, der giver kraftige antioxidanteffekter. De kan reducere risikoen for visse typer kræftformer og hjælpe med diabetesbehandling. Det menes også, at frøene kan hjælpe med vægttab, forbedre fordøjelsessystemet og beskytte hjertet.
Hvis du vil vide mere om fordelene ved hørfrø, skal du fortsætte med at læse.
Hvad er de sundhedsmæssige fordele ved hørfrø?
1. Kan hjælpe med kræftforebyggelse
Flere undersøgelser af postmenopausale kvinder viste, at kosttilskud med hørfrø kunne reducere risikoen for brystkræft (1). Frøene kan også reducere tumorvækst hos patienter med brystkræft. Omega-3 fedtsyrerne i frøene har antiinflammatoriske egenskaber, der hjælper i denne henseende.
Lignaner blev også fundet at reducere væksten af kræft tumorer (2). Forskning viser også, at hørfrø kan hjælpe med at forhindre prostatakræft (3).
2. Kan hjælpe Diabetesbehandling
Undersøgelser viste, at hørfrøtilskud sænkede fastende blodsukkerniveau med 20% (4). Endnu vigtigere er, at frøene indeholder mucilage, som er en geldannende fiber, der kan bremse fordøjelsen og den deraf følgende frigivelse af glukose i blodet.
Foreløbige undersøgelser har også vist, at hørfrø kan forsinke starten på diabetes mellitus. De indeholder en forbindelse kaldet SDG, som kan reducere risikoen for type 1-diabetes og forsinke starten på type 2-diabetes (5).
3. Kan hjælpe vægttab
Da hørfrø er rige på fibre, kan de hjælpe med vægttab (6). Frøene indeholder også omega-3'er. Undersøgelser viser, at omega-3 kan undertrykke appetitten og forbedre mætheden - og dette kan hjælpe med vægttab (7).
Lignaner i hørfrø menes også at øge stofskiftet, hvilket kan hjælpe med vægttab. Imidlertid er der behov for mere forskning for at forstå mekanismen.
Undersøgelser viste også, at hørfrø kunne øge fedtudskillelsen og derved mindske mængden af fedtindhold i kroppen. Dette kan fremme vægttab (6).
4. Kan forbedre fordøjelsessundheden
Dyreforsøg viste, at hørfrøstilskud i kosten kunne fremme sundheden for tarmfloraen (8). De opløselige fibre i hørfrø kan også hjælpe fordøjelsen, selv om støtte til forskning er begrænset. Det menes, at hørfrø fra jorden fungerer bedre, da det at spise dem hele kan få dem til at passere gennem dit system uden at blive fordøjet.
Den mest almindelige anvendelse af hørfrø involverer dets afføringsegenskaber. Dette betyder, at frøene kan få dig til at kæbe. De kan også hjælpe med at behandle forstoppelse, men sørg for at du drikker nok vand efter at have indtaget dem (2).
Omega-3 fedtsyrer i hørfrø kan hjælpe med at reducere inflammation og beskytte slimhinden i mave-tarmkanalen. Hos mennesker med sunde fordøjelsessystemer fremmer frøene den gavnlige tarmflora (9). Yderligere forskning er nødvendig for at forstå fordelene ved omega-3 og deres forbindelse til tarmfloraen.
5. Kan beskytte hjertet
Omega-3 fedtsyrer i hørfrø har vist sig at reducere risikoen for koronar hjertesygdom. De hjælper også med at forbedre arteriernes funktion (10). En costaricansk undersøgelse viste, at personer, der indtager mere ALA (typen omega-3 fedtsyrer i hørfrø), havde en lavere risiko for hjerteanfald (11).
6. Kan bekæmpe betændelse
To spiseskefulde hørfrø indeholder over 140% af den daglige værdi af omega-3 fedtsyrer, som man kender til betændelse. Alfa-linolsyre (ALA) i frøene viste sig at nedsætte proinflammatoriske forbindelser i kroppen (12).
Omega-3'erne i hørfrø kan også hjælpe med at behandle inflammatorisk arthritis (13).
7. Kan behandle menstruationssymptomer
Forbrugende hørfrø kan regulere ægløsning. Kvinder, der regelmæssigt spiste hørfrø, viste sig at have ægløsning under hver menstruationscyklus (14). Tilføjelse af hørfrø til din kost kan også hjælpe med at reducere menstruationskramper, selvom der kræves mere forskning for at understøtte denne effekt.
Et andet vigtigt stykke forskning fortæller os, at hørfrø kan hjælpe med at lette hedeture. Imidlertid siger nogle andre undersøgelser andet, og mere forskning er berettiget til at forstå, hvordan hørfrø fungerer i denne henseende (15).
8. Hørfrø er glutenfri
Hørfrø fungerer som en god erstatning for alle de glutenholdige korn i din kost (2). Hvis du er glutenintolerant, kan de fleste korn være svære at fordøje. Det er her, hørfrø kan være et godt valg for alle med cøliaki eller glutenfølsomhed (16).
9. Kan være gavnligt under graviditet og amning
Hørfrø er en rig kilde til fiber og omega-3 og en god kilde til protein - og en gravid kvinde har brug for alle disse næringsstoffer. Fiber kan hjælpe med at behandle forstoppelse, der ofte opstår under graviditet. Proteinet og omega-3'erne er kritiske for barnets helbred. Der er dog ingen direkte forskning, der angiver fordelene ved hørfrø under graviditet eller amning.
I henhold til et dyreforsøg kan hørfrø fremme retina og udvikling af synsnerven hos afkom (17).
Vi anbefaler dog, at du taler med din læge, inden du tager hørfrø til dette formål, da der er modstridende beviser i denne henseende.
10. Kan gøre din hud glødende
Omega-3 fedtsyrer i hørfrø kan bidrage til hudens sundhed og udseende. De kan holde din hud hydreret og gøre den glat. Undersøgelser viser, at kosttilskud af hørfrø kan balancere de anti- og proinflammatoriske forbindelser og fremme sund aldring (8).
Hørfrøolie kan også hjælpe. Det kan forhindre hverdagens irriterende stoffer og forurenende stoffer i at komme ind i hudens porer (18). Det forhindrer også vandtab fra huden. Forbedring af hudens fugtighedsniveauer kan også hjælpe med at reducere rynker.
At holde din hud fugtet forhindrer den i at tørre ud, og det får den til at gløde. Mens vi har brug for mere forskning for at afgøre, om hørfrø kan direkte påvirke væksten, viser nogle beviser, at hørfrøolie kan forbedre hudbarrierefunktionen (19).
Flaxseeds may also aid the treatment of ailments like psoriasis and eczema, though direct evidence is lacking in this regard.
You can either rub plain flaxseed oil gently into your skin or consume the seeds on a daily basis. The anti-inflammatory properties of flaxseeds can also treat skin inflammation. As per animal studies, the antioxidants in the seeds may also help reduce the risk of skin cancer (20).
You can also try a flaxseed facial. Mix two tablespoons of raw honey, a teaspoon of fresh lime juice, and a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. Apply the mixture directly to your face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash with normal water. Do it in the mornings, every day.
11. May Strengthen Hair
Brittle hair is often attributed to a lack of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. As flaxseeds are rich in these fatty acids, as per animal studies, they were found to strengthen hair, improve hair coat quality, and combat hair fall (21). They can also help prevent a condition called cicatricial alopecia, which is a permanent hair loss condition caused by inflammation.
You can prepare a hair gel using flaxseeds. Boil two cups of water. As the water begins to boil, add four tablespoons of flaxseeds to it. Cover the pot with a lid and let it simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Turn the heat off and strain the infusion. Apply the resultant gel to your scalp every morning and then wash as usual after 20 minutes.
These are the benefits of flaxseeds. We already saw a few of the important nutrients in the seeds. How about taking a look at the entire nutrient profile?
What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Flaxseeds?
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 1 tablespoon of flaxseeds (2.5 grams) contains 13 calories, 0.7 g of fiber, 0.72 g of carbohydrates, 0.46 g of protein, and 1.05 g of fat (22).
Though flaxseeds possess a vast array of nutrients, they are not magic pills. There is no one-food-for-all-ailments when it comes to good health. Consistently making the right dietary choices is key. In the following section, we have discussed how you can add flaxseeds to your diet.
Tips For Adding Flax Seeds To Your Diet
There are a few ground rules:
- The best way to consume flaxseeds is in their sprouted form. Soaking and sprouting them removes phytic acid and also enhances mineral absorption. You can soak the seeds for 10 minutes in warm water or for 2 hours in cold water.
- Flaxseeds are best consumed ground. This is because our bodies cannot receive the nutrients if they are taken in the whole form.
- Ensure you consume the seeds with plenty of water.
- You can add the seeds to your morning cereal or breakfast smoothie. You can also add them to salads.
- Ensure you don’t heat flaxseed oil as its composition might change, and it may not be useful. But surprisingly, the nutrients in whole flaxseeds are heat-stable. Hence, you can roast flaxseeds and enjoy the benefits as the nutrients won’t be destroyed.
- You can also add flaxseeds to your Paleo diet. The seeds are technically Paleo because they are seeds.
- The best time to eat flaxseeds is early in the morning, along with your breakfast.
Ensure you do not consume an excess of flaxseeds as they may cause certain undesirable side effects.
What Are The Side Effects Of Flaxseeds?
Flaxseeds may cause adverse effects in some people. Excess consumption of these seeds may cause some adverse effects, such as nausea, constipation, bloating, and pain in the abdomen. Want to know more about the side effects of flaxseeds? Keep reading.
- May Lower Blood Sugar Levels Way Too Much
Since flaxseeds may lower blood sugar levels, individuals who are already on diabetes medication can experience alarmingly low blood sugar levels if they consume an excess of flaxseeds. However, limited research is available in this area. Consult your doctor.
- May Lower Blood Pressure
Flaxseeds help lower blood pressure (23). However, if taken along with medications for treating high blood pressure, the seeds may cause hypotension (excessively low blood pressure). Hence, people on blood pressure medications should exercise caution.
- May Slow Down Blood Clotting
Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids can reduce blood clotting and increase bleeding (24). As the seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and may show a significant decrease in blood clotting, people with bleeding disorders must not take them. Also, don’t consume flaxseeds at least two weeks before surgery.
- May Aggravate Hormone-Sensitive Conditions
Flaxseeds can mimic the hormone estrogen, and this can aggravate hormone-sensitive conditions like cancers of the breast, uterus, and ovaries and uterine fibroids (25).
- May Cause Issues During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding
Since the seeds can mimic estrogen, they may cause issues in pregnant and breastfeeding women (25). Please consult a doctor before using them.
Limited research is available in this area. Individuals with diabetes should always check with their doctor before consuming flaxseeds. Omega-3s, the essential fatty acids in the flaxseeds, may interact with the blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin (Coumadin), which, in turn, can increase bleeding (26).
Avoid the consumption of these seeds while taking diabetes medication.
Flaxseeds are densely packed with fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and offer several health benefits. These seeds may help fight cancer, aid in diabetes treatment, and promote weight loss.
However, excess consumption may cause adverse side effects. Hence, be wary of the number of flaxseeds you consume.
Talk to your doctor and dietitian to understand the right dosage for you.
Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
How many flaxseeds can you take in a day?
You can limit the serving size to less than 5 tablespoons (or 50 grams) a day.
Can you substitute flaxseeds with chia seeds?
Yes, chia seeds are also equally nutritious and beneficial. They look similar too.
How to store flaxseeds?
Whether you purchase ground flaxseeds or grind them at home, you can store them in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator. Whole flaxseeds can also be stored this way, and they can last for 6 months.
Where can you buy flaxseeds?
You can get the seeds from your nearest departmental store or buy them online at Amazon.
Can you eat flaxseeds raw?
Yes, it is fine to eat the seeds raw. Some believe ground flaxseeds can help your body better absorb the nutrients. Also, store raw flaxseeds in the fridge, or the oils in them might make them go rancid.
Do flaxseeds cause acne?
In some cases, yes. This happens if your body doesn’t accept the seeds. Stop using them and consult your doctor.
In general, flaxseeds may aid acne treatment. The omega-3s in the seeds fight inflammation, which is one major cause of acne. The same goes for flaxseed oil as well, though no studies support the link between the oil and acne. However, if your body doesn’t accept the oil, it may react through acne breakouts.
What are flaxseeds called in different languages?
Flaxseeds are called semillas de lino in Spanish, budhur alkitaan in Arabic, alsee ka beej in Hindi, avise ginjalu in Telugu, ali vidai in Tamil, and agasi in Kannada.
Does flaxseed help with belly fat?
The seeds are rich in dietary fiber that may suppress appetite. This may help reduce belly fat, though there is no research to support this.
26 sources
Stylecraze har strenge sourcing-retningslinjer og er afhængige af peer-reviewed studier, akademiske forskningsinstitutioner og medicinske foreninger. Vi undgår at bruge tertiære referencer. Du kan lære mere om, hvordan vi sikrer, at vores indhold er nøjagtigt og aktuelt ved at læse vores redaktionelle politik.- Effekten af hørfrø i brystkræft: En litteraturanmeldelse, grænser inden for ernæring, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Hør og hørfrøolie: en gammel medicin og moderne funktionel mad, Journal of Food Science and Technology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- The benefits of flaxseed, U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA.
- An Open-Label Study on the Effect of Flax Seed Powder (Linum Usitatissimum) Supplementation in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus, Journal of Dietary Supplements, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Flaxseed and Diabetes, Current Pharmaceutical Design, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Flaxseed dietary fibers lower cholesterol and increase fecal fat excretion, but magnitude of effect depend on food type, Nutrition & Metabolism, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Dietary Supplementation With Long Chain omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Weight Loss in Obese Adults, Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Dietary Flaxseed as a Strategy for Improving Human Health, Nutrients, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Impact of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on the Gut Microbiota, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- The cardiovascular effects of flaxseed and its omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid, The Canadian Journal of Cardiology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- 11. Alpha-linolenic acid and risk of nonfatal acute myocardial infarction, Circulation, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Effect of L. Usitatissimum (Flaxseed/Linseed) Fixed Oil against Distinct Phases of Inflammation, ISRN Inflammation, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Inflammatory Processes: From Molecules to Man, Biochemical Society Transactions, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Effect of Flax Seed Ingestion on the Menstrual Cycle, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- A Phase III, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial of Flaxseed for the Treatment of Hot Flashes1:NCCTG N08C7, Menopause, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Gluten-free products in celiac disease: Nutritional and technological challenges and solutions, J0urnal of Research in Medical Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Flaxseed used since pregnancy by the mother and after weaning by the offspring benefits the retina and optic nerve development in rats, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Supplementation of flaxseed oil diminishes skin sensitivity and improves skin barrier function and condition, Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Supplementation of Flaxseed Oil Diminishes Skin Sensitivity and Improves Skin Barrier Function and Condition, ResearchGate.
- Dietary Flaxseed Supplementation and Experimental Metastasis of Melanoma Cells in Mice, Cancer Letters, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) supplementation associated with reduced skin test lesional area in horses with Culicoides hypersensitivity, Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Flaxseeds, FoodData Central, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
- Potent Antihypertensive Action of Dietary Flaxseed in Hypertensive Patients, Hypertension, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- There’s something fishy about this bleeding, NDT Plus, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- The pros and cons of phytoestrogens, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Expert Opinion: omega-3 Fatty Acids and Bleeding-Cause for Concern?, The American Journal of Cardiology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.