- Historien om yoga
- 'Otte lemmer af yoga'
- 1. Yama
- 2. Niyama
- 3. Asana
- 4. Pranayama
- 5. Pratyahara
- 6. Dharana
- 7. Dhyana
- 8. Samadhi
- Types Of Yoga
- 1. Ashtanga Yoga
- 2. Vinyasa Yoga
- 3. Kundalini Yoga
- 4. Iyengar Yoga
- 5. Power Yoga
- 6. Bikram Yoga
- 7. Jivamukti Yoga
- 8. Restorative Yoga
- Choose a style that suits you and practice. Now, let’s answer some questions commonly asked about yoga.
- Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
Yoga surrer! Det er overalt. På billboards, i forskningspapirer og foredragssale. Men hvor startede det hele? Hvordan blev denne gamle visdom til? Hvad har den at tilbyde? Er det en magisk løsning på alle lidelser? Svar på alt dette og meget mere finder du ud af i den følgende korte historie om yoga.
Historien om yoga
Yoga stammer fra et sanskritord 'yuj', der løst betyder 'forening'. Det er en sti, gennem hvilken et individ forener sig med hele eksistensen. Det lyder tungt, ikke? Det betyder grundlæggende, hvordan du ikke er en separat enhed, men en del af en større energi. Det øger din bevidsthed og får dig til at indse din ægte selvrensning af rodet af alt det, du satte igennem som en del af din kultur, familie og uddannelse. Det får dig til at indse, at der er noget mere end hvad du ser rundt omkring. Det er en dybt åndelig praksis, der er en del filosofi, religion, videnskab og motion.
Yoga går tilbage til Vedaernes alder eller endda før. Den tidligste Rig Veda nævner om yoga, og der er piktografiske beviser, der findes i sælerne i Indus Valley-civilisationen. Bhagavad Gita og Shanti Parva fra Mahabharata taler udførligt om det. Senere havde Patanjali samlet 'Yoga Sutras', som blev en bog til yoga og gjort ham til 'Father Of Yoga'. Han havde talt udførligt om praksisens detaljer og detaljer. Lad os se på et vigtigt aspekt af det kaldet 'Otte lemmer af yoga'.
'Otte lemmer af yoga'
Patanjali i sin bog 'Yoga Sutras' taler om 'Eight Limbs Of Yoga' kaldet Ashtanga forklaret kort i den følgende tekst.
- Yama
- Niyama
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Pratyahara
- Dharana
- Dhyana
- Samadhi
1. Yama
Yama belyser de moralske levestandarder. Det fortæller os, hvordan vi skal føre vores liv og understreger ærlighed og integritet. Det leder os til at opføre os på en måde, som vi gerne vil have at blive behandlet af andre. Yama beder os om at følge vejen for ikke-vold, sandhed og selvkontrol.
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2. Niyama
Niyama understreger at være kontemplativ og tankevækkende. Det taler om disciplin og spiritualitet. Den tror på den højeste energi og råder os til at genkende og bede til den. Niyama er en sti, hvor du studerer dig selv, holder dig ren, er tilfreds og overgiver dig til den Almægtige.
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3. Asana
Dette aspekt af yoga koncentrerer sig om den menneskelige krop. Kroppen betragtes som hellig og pleje og pleje af det er af største betydning. Asana er en fysisk træning, der forbereder kroppen til meditation ved at indprente disciplin og koncentration. Det forbereder din krop til en åndelig rejse.
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4. Pranayama
Pranayama er åndedrætsbekæmpelse og en proces, hvor du ånder bevidst og forbinder sind, krop og sjæl gennem indånding og udånding. Åndedræt er pranisk energi, og at tage det ind og fylde din krop med det gør dig stærk og energisk.
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5. Pratyahara
Pratyahara er når vi vender indad og lærer mere om os selv. Vi gør bevidst en indsats for at holde os væk fra eksterne kræfter og koncentrere os om vores indre væren ryddet af eksterne stimuli. Pratyahara er løsrivelse fra omverdenen og iagttagelse af det indre selv.
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6. Dharana
Dharana træner sindet i at koncentrere sig om et enkelt energicenter ved enten at fokusere på et enkelt objekt, tanke eller mantra. Vores sind bugner af mange tanker og ideer. At være i stand til at kontrollere dem og ikke lade dem påvirke din ro er en udfordring, du skal tage op gennem Dharana.
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7. Dhyana
I Dhyana er sindet bevidst uden fokus. Der er minimum eller ingen tanker, der opstår, der generer sindet. At forblive stille med intet at koncentrere sig om er ikke en let opgave og tager tid. Styrken og udholdenheden bygget fra de tidligere lemmer hjælper med Dhyana.
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8. Samadhi
Samadhi er en tilstand af ekstase, der kommer fra en realisering af selvet med det guddommelige og en følelse af enhed med de andre levende væsener. Samadhi giver lykke og fred. Lykke og frihed bliver livets primære mål, og du oplever oplysning.
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These, my friend, are the eight limbs of yoga that prepare your body step by step to eventually reach the ultimate goal of truth, ecstasy, and bliss. Ashtanga forms the essence of yoga, and from it, various schools of practice were born with time. The vast wealth of yoga knowledge was passed down from teacher to student and eventually branched out into many types and forms. Let’s learn about some of them below.
Types Of Yoga
- Ashtanga Yoga
- Vinyasa Yoga
- Kundalini Yoga
- Iyengar Yoga
- Power Yoga
- Bikram Yoga
- Jivamukti Yoga
- Restorative Yoga
1. Ashtanga Yoga
Image: iStock
Ashtanga yoga is a set of yoga poses that build internal heat. A particular set of asanas is repeated in each Ashtanga yoga session which involves breathing consciously through all the poses. Ashtanga means eight-limbed and was popularized in the 1940s. It employs the eight limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras in its practice.
Benefits- Ashtanga yoga is good for building core strength and increasing flexibility.
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2. Vinyasa Yoga
Image: iStock
Vinyasa yoga combines movement and breath in a seamless manner. Each pose is taken and transformed to another pose with a particular breathing pattern. Vinyasa yoga involves continuous fast paced movement.
Benefits- Vinyasa yoga builds lean muscles and calms the mind.
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3. Kundalini Yoga
Image: Shutterstock
Kundalini yoga is a system of physical and meditative practices that focuses on awakening the latent coiled energy present at the sacrum of the human body. This style of yoga became popular in the 1960s.
Benefits- Kundalini Yoga enhances your awareness and helps you connect with your inner self.
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4. Iyengar Yoga
Image: Shutterstock
Iyengar yoga makes use of props, and the method is very particular about the precision, alignment, and manner of the pose as well as the breath control during the pose. Each pose needs special attention and time. To better the poses props such as blankets and ropes are used.
Benefits- Iyengar Yoga improves balance and coordination in your body. It relieves you of neck and backaches.
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5. Power Yoga
Image: Shutterstock
Power is a fast paced intense session of strenuous asanas. In Power Yoga, you stay in a pose only for a few moments before you go to the next. It is Vinyasa yoga done vigorously. It became popular in the 1990s and was originally founded by Beryl Bender Birch and Bryan Kest.
Benefits- Power yoga improves your heart health and lowers blood pressure. It keeps a check on your cholesterol levels.
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6. Bikram Yoga
Image: iStock
Bikram yoga is a set of 26 postures which include two breathing exercises practiced for a duration of 90 minutes in a heated room with increased humidity. The poses were taken and developed from Hatha yoga asanas by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s.
Benefits- Bikram yoga releases toxins from the body and improves blood circulation.
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7. Jivamukti Yoga
Image: iStock
Jivamukti yoga is a combination of physical, meditative and spiritual concepts. Apart from asanas, it stresses on non-violence, devotion, and scriptures. It was developed in the 1980s by Sharon Gannon and David Life.
Benefits- Jivamukti Yoga flushes out toxins from your body. It increases flexibility and strength of your body. It brings balance and increases blood flow in your body.
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8. Restorative Yoga
Image: Shutterstock
Restorative yoga is a slow and profound process where you hold each pose for a longer time experiencing the effects of each pose, completely. Yoga props such as ropes and blankets are used to support the body in each pose.
Benefits- Restorative yoga is an excellent way to treat insomnia and anxiety. It calms and relaxes your body.
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Choose a style that suits you and practice. Now, let’s answer some questions commonly asked about yoga.
Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
Are they any side effects of doing yoga?
There are no side effects of practicing yoga if done under proper guidance.
Is Yoga different from exercise?
Yoga involves the mind, body, and spirit and leaves you rejuvenated while exercise concentrates mainly on the physical body leaving you exhausted after a session.
What diet complements yoga practice?
Vegetarian and wholesome food like fruits, vegetables, grains and dry fruits work best for a fulfilling yoga session.
When is the best time to practice yoga?
Practicing yoga in the morning on an empty stomach works best. It energizes your body for the rest of the day.
How often does one have to practice yoga?
Doing yoga every day for at least 20 minutes is good for the body.
Now that you have some basic knowledge about yoga, you know that it is a practice with deep rooted philosophy and science that uses the human body as a means to maintaining health. We don’t know for sure when and where the practice originated, and can only ruminate about it. But what is more important to keep in mind is the number of lives it has been improving. We wish you take it up too and reap its benefits. Here’s wishing you fulfilling yoga sessions.