- Top 12 hårolier til tørt hår
- 1. Khadi Naturals Urtehårolie
- 2. Nivr intensiv hårvækstolie
- Produktkrav
- Fordele
- Ulemper
- 3. St. Botanica 10 i 1 hårolie
- 4. Kama Ayurveda Bringadi intensiv hårbehandling
- 5. Dabur Amla hårolie
- 6. Parachute Advansed Ayurvedic Hot Oil
- 7. Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic Stimulate Hair Oil
- 8. Shahnaz Husain Shalocks Herbal Hair Oil
- 9. Organix Renewing Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Penetrating Oil
- 10. Bajaj Almond Drops Hair Oil
- 11. Garnier Ultra Doux Nourishing Hair Oil
- 12. Nihar Naturals Shanti Badam Amla Hair Oil
- Things To Consider When Buying A Hair Oil For Dry Hair
- Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions
Tørt hår. Vi har alle oplevet det på et eller andet tidspunkt i vores liv og ved, hvilken smerte det er at få det til at se sundt ud igen. Og hvis du voksede op i en indisk husstand, er der en 100% chance for, at din mor og bedstemor fik dig til at olie dit hår hver eneste dag for at bekæmpe tørhed. Du har måske ikke lyttet til dem, men det vil gøre dit tørre hår en hel masse godt, hvis du følger deres råd nu. Hårolier - hvad enten det er kokosnød, mandler, urter eller enhver anden slags - er naturlige fugtighedsgivende midler, der kan fugte dit hår og fodre det indefra. At de er så let tilgængelige er bare endnu en god grund til at vælge oliebehandling til tørt hår. Og du har held og lykke, fordi jeg har samlet en liste over de bedste hårolier til tørt hår, der er tilgængelige på markedet lige nu!
Top 12 hårolier til tørt hår
1. Khadi Naturals Urtehårolie
Khadi Naturals Urtehårolie er en blanding af forbløffende 18 urteolier, der bekæmper masser af hårproblemer. Mens mynte-, kamfer- og eukalyptusolier lindrer stress og beskytter dit hår mod miljøskader, fugter urter som amla, bhringraj og neem det og fylder det dybt. Dette er den bedste hårolie til tørt hår, da det fungerer især godt på kemisk behandlet og overeksponeret hår.
- Let og ikke-klæbrig
- Betingelser og blødgør håret
- Reducerer krus
- Reducerer hårfald og fremmer hårvækst
- Har en kølende fornemmelse i hovedbunden
- Vaskes let af
- Tynd, løbende konsistens
- Stærk lugt
2. Nivr intensiv hårvækstolie
Nivr Intensive Hair Growth Oil indeholder en formulering af 6 potente urter: Neeli, Amla, Bhringraj, Aloe Vera, Mint Oil og Jojoba Oil. Det hjælper med at tackle hårskader, hårbrud og tørhed i hovedbunden sammen med mange andre hårproblemer. Nivr reducerer hårskader og hårbrud forårsaget af byens livsstil, digital eksponering, UV-stråler, forurening og mangel på en ordentlig diæt. Det helbreder tørhed i hovedbunden og bekæmper allergier og infektioner, der skader dit hår.
- Behandler tørhed i hovedbunden
- Reducerer hårfald
- Gør hår længere
- Indeholder naturlige ingredienser
- Bekæmper skæl og skællende hovedbund
- Forhindrer for tidlig nedtoning
3. St. Botanica 10 i 1 hårolie
St. Botanica 10 i 1 hårolie er lavet af naturlige og rene olier. Olivenolie kombineret med andre ingredienser gør underværker at holde dit hår sundt. Ricinusolie i blandingen indeholder ricinolsyre, der forbedrer blodcirkulationen i hovedbunden. Bhringraj-olien er en fantastisk løsning til en tilbagevendende hårgrænse og tørhed og skæl. De ti olier arbejder sammen for at gøre dit hår stærkt, skinnende og tykt. De bekæmper splittede ender og gør håret glat. Olien er fri for mineralolie, sulfater, silikone og parabener.
- Sulfatfri
- Parabenfri
- Silikonefri
- Mineraloliefri
- Ingen kunstig duft
- Ingen tilsætningsstoffer eller kemikalier
- Castorolie forbedrer hovedbundens blodcirkulation
- deal for alle hårtyper
4. Kama Ayurveda Bringadi intensiv hårbehandling
Kama Ayurveda Bringadi Intensive Hair Treatment hævder at være hemmeligheden bag indianernes frodige, blanke hår og gør en stærk argumentation for det. Dette ayurvediske produkt indeholder potente urter blandet i sesamolie og mælk. Den indeholder indigo, falsk daisy, stikkelsbær, lakrids og ballongvin, der dybt plejer dit tørre hår, samtidig med at det fremmer hårvækst og forhindrer hovedbundinfektioner. Dette gør det uden tvivl den bedste olie til tørt hår.
- Let og ikke-klæbrig
- Gør håret blødere og glattere
- Reducerer krus
- Reducerer hårfald
- Reducerer skæl
- Forhindrer for tidlig nedtoning
- Virker beroligende
- Kan påføres kun 30 minutter inden vask
- Dyrt
- Stærk lugt
- Det tager tid at vise resultater
5. Dabur Amla hårolie
If your hair is dull and graying along with being dry, then Dabur Amla Hair Oil is going to be your best friend. This nourishing hair oil extracted from Indian gooseberries claims to moisturize your hair and scalp, promote hair growth, and control premature graying of hair.
- Moisturizes hair
- Not very sticky
- Does darken gray hair
- Washes off easily
- Strong smell
- Open bottle mouth design makes it very prone to spillage
6. Parachute Advansed Ayurvedic Hot Oil
Trust in the healing effects of Ayurveda and try out Parachute Advansed Ayurvedic Hot Oil to treat your dry hair. Its coconut oil base is infused with Ayurvedic warming oil like black pepper oil, white thyme oil, black oil, and hibiscus extracts that blend together to hydrate your hair, stimulate hair growth, and deep condition it from within.
- Makes hair softer and more manageable
- Stimulates hair growth
- Does not solidify during winter as it stays naturally warm
- Contains artificial fragrance
- Cannot be left on overnight as it is a deep conditioning treatment
7. Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic Stimulate Hair Oil
Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic Stimulate Hair Oil is a blend of ylang ylang, cedarwood, and rosemary essential oils. And the benefits of essential oils for dry hair are astounding! It primarily aims to combat dry hair and hair fall and – as its name suggests – stimulate new hair growth. It is the best hair oil for dry scalp as it claims to reduce itchiness and dandruff on your scalp.
- Reduces dryness of hair and scalp
- Gets absorbed quickly
- Non-sticky
- Reduces itchiness and has a soothing effect
- Pleasant fragrance
- Does not stimulate hair growth as claimed
8. Shahnaz Husain Shalocks Herbal Hair Oil
If there’s one name that is synonymous with hair care products then it has to be Shahnaz Husain. Shahnaz Husain’s Shalocks Herbal Hair Oil is an Ayurvedic blend of olive, sesame seed, wheatgerm, and almond oils combined with extracts of shikakai, brahmi, henna, and amla. It promises to moisturize dry hair while preventing dandruff and promoting hair growth.
- Light and non-sticky
- Reduces frizz
- Conditions and softens hair
- Runny consistency
- Strong smell
- Expensive
9. Organix Renewing Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Penetrating Oil
The Organix Renewing Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Penetrating Oil (now that’s a mouthful) is a potent formula made especially for dry, coarse hair. This argan oil blend promises to penetrate your dry hair and moisturize, renew, and soften it while protecting it from the heat generated from styling tools and UV damage.
- Light and non-sticky
- Makes hair soft, smooth, and manageable
- Reduces frizz
- Pleasant smell
- Can be used every day
- Expensive
10. Bajaj Almond Drops Hair Oil
If the thought of walking around with slicked down, oily hair does not appeal to you, then you should check out Bajaj Almond Drops Hair Oil. Since it’s a sweet almond oil, it contains vitamin E that not only hydrates your hair but also helps you retain that moisture. This light hair oil is also not sticky and makes your hair look healthy and shiny.
- Light and non-sticky
- Softens hair
- Good bottle design that dispenses oil in drops
- Contains 77% mineral oil and just 20% actual almond oil
11. Garnier Ultra Doux Nourishing Hair Oil
A common problem that people with dry hair experience is dandruff. And Garnier Ultra Doux Nourishing Hair Oil claims to shoot both those birds with one gun. This blend of coconut, wheatgerm, and almond oils combats dryness, and nourishes and softens it from within. It also contains an active purifying agent that gets rid of dandruff with regular use.
- Light and non-sticky
- Gently moisturizes hair
- Good bottle that dispenses the oil in drops
- Pleasant smell
- Does not treat dandruff
- Thin consistency
- Does not get absorbed into the hair and scalp
12. Nihar Naturals Shanti Badam Amla Hair Oil
Nihar Naturals Shanti Badam Amla Hair Oil is a blend of coconut, almond, and gooseberry oils. Not only does it claim to hydrate your dry hair, strengthen your hair follicles, and reduce dandruff and graying, but also claims to do so while providing a cooling sensation on your head.
- Light and non-sticky
- Softens hair
- Contains mineral oil
- Strong smell
Now that you have had a look at the best hair oils for dry hair, it’s time to guide you through some essential points to consider when buying one for your hair needs. Keep scrolling to find out more!
Things To Consider When Buying A Hair Oil For Dry Hair
- Natural Oils
Natural ingredients are safe to use as they do not cause any allergic reactions. Besides, they are more effective and provide quick results. Go for coconut, almond, olive, avocado, or jojoba oil. These natural oils help in strengthening the hair while adding shine to it. Besides, they have moisturizing properties that supply adequate moisture content to the hair and keep them free from frizz and dullness. Jojoba oil is similar to the natural oil or sebum produced by the scalp. Therefore, it works brilliantly for treating scalp and hair dryness. This oil provides optimum nourishment to the scalp and hair to reveal smooth, frizz-free, and shiny strands.
- Hair Texture
Hair texture is necessary to consider when buying a hair oil for dry hair:
- For thin or fine hair: Look for a light and nourishing hair oil that does not weigh down your strands. Oils like avocado oil and extra virgin olive oil are an ideal choice for thin hair.
- For thick and coarse hair: Look for a rich oil that will help manage frizz and smoothen your hair. Grape seed oil and coconut oil are best suited for thick hair.
And that’s all folks! That’s my rundown of the best hair oils for dry hair! Say goodbye to your dry hair woes now and comment below to let us know which hair oil you picked out for yourself!
Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions
Is coconut oil good for dry and damaged hair?
Yes, coconut oil is excellent for repairing dry and damaged hair.
Should I apply hair oil if I have dandruff?
Yes, you can apply coconut oil, olive oil or tea tree oil to remove dandruff. Just make sure to apply a low to moderate amount of oil otherwise it may create buildup on your scalp and increase dandruff.
Can you use hair oil and hair serum together?
It is best not to use hair oil and hair serum together as they can create too much buildup on your scalp.
Is it OK to apply oil after bath on wet hair?
It is OK to apply oil after a bath as long as you don’t mind having oily hair throughout the day.
What oils repair damaged hair?
Coconut oil and argan oil repair damaged hair most effectively.